biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Wednesday, March 02, 2005





接下来,是梦魇的开始。她过两天后,选了一张我的个人照(我们常常一起牌照),就问我可不可以send给organizing committee。。T_T,真的很矛盾,她选的个人照,里头我真是很丑;如果我给她一张我较满意的,又好像很赞成她nominate我,不给她,就是 这张丑照公诸于世了。。@_@ 于是,唉,我就给她一张我较满意的照片。。

就在昨天。。。登登登。。投票日开始了!!我一早醒来,就看到那个link,快昏了。幸亏我还不是第一名,只有800多票。第一名是6500票。所以,安 啦,不会那么容易的。谁知,十时半,忽然间发现我的票数狂飙,直升1000,在不久后,上至2600票,天,我已经超越第二名了。。要晕了。。不是开心, 而是觉得糟糕,怎么办?我五年来,都是很低调的,现在为了这个e-queen,竟然会有上台走两步,和其他参赛者回答问题来夺冠的。。下场。。噢!你可以 明白我的心情吗?我不是那种要大家见证我很漂亮的女孩,也不想出名。我怕我上台时,我会怯场,会答错问题,会被高跟鞋绊倒,会。。。我只想去个nite罢 了。。。



p/s:由于技术上问题,那个站down 了,所以你们不能去看一看:P


  • At Wed Mar 02, 04:17:00 PM 2005, Blogger Jason Lioh said…

    Wah,so you got nominated lah!heehhehe,can see your face liao!you are exposed!you are exposed!muahaha,summore number 2!must be really leng lui ler!!!!!!faster upload your own picture b4 i go cari the u-nite's website!

  • At Wed Mar 02, 04:46:00 PM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…

    haha..don't put so high expectation la..i look normal only is not u-nite..u-nite over already lo...:P

  • At Wed Mar 02, 04:57:00 PM 2005, Blogger Jason Lioh said…

    then e-nite ah?huhuh..dun worry!still can dig out one!

  • At Wed Mar 02, 04:59:00 PM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…

    @_@ later i not as leng lui as you think how? No more coming to my blog ah?haha..don't go dig la..pai se nia..

  • At Wed Mar 02, 07:34:00 PM 2005, Blogger Jason Lioh said…

    haha,number 2 not leng lui?haiseh..cannot lah!even thou not as leng lui as i think nevermind also,u know FET and FOE how many leng lui anot?mak oi,got 1 or 2,we guys aldy can sembahyang her liao!faster faster upload,expose yourself before i do.coz if i expose har,i blog it in my blog one hor!kekekz...then avbody come visit ur blog :P

  • At Wed Mar 02, 07:46:00 PM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…

    wahlao!!You don't expose me la..wait til after saturday la..then i decide wanna upload or not ok???

  • At Wed Mar 02, 08:49:00 PM 2005, Blogger 六月 said…

    leng leng ... let us know the site le.. i'm so curios abt it ... plz...

  • At Wed Mar 02, 10:17:00 PM 2005, Blogger Jinlan said…

    it sounds secretive! heee..i am looking forward to see the site too!
    Fuhh..all kind of niteSss around man..
    tri-nite u-nite e-nite ..i only go "good nite"...hahaa

  • At Wed Mar 02, 11:27:00 PM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…

    Haha..not I don't want to show you the site,it now really is down. Technical problem. When you go there,nothing shows up :D

  • At Thu Mar 03, 06:09:00 AM 2005, Blogger 六月 said…


  • At Thu Mar 03, 09:46:00 AM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…


  • At Thu Mar 03, 09:50:00 AM 2005, Blogger sqkiki said…

    Waaa..everyone looking for u to upload ler...I oso want to see e-queen No.2 (Jump to No.1 oledi or not?)....

  • At Thu Mar 03, 01:26:00 PM 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At Fri Mar 04, 12:06:00 AM 2005, Blogger 1+2mom said…

    I also want to see your pic ler.

  • At Fri Mar 04, 10:34:00 PM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…



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