biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Monday, February 28, 2005

No more old comments

ooo...I changed back to the comment box provided by Blogger at last..ah...everything has gone..start from zero again.. >_<

Edited: Now the mugs are back!! Thanks to mrgoodgood!! So now please add the comments using the blogger box (the left comment box). The mugs (By Haloscan) are just for reference...:D


  • At Tue Mar 01, 01:15:00 AM 2005, Blogger Jason Lioh said…

    i like your blog.:) you are into my pending list.wait until I finish reading all your post,then you are officialy under my daily reads.ok?

    u my senior ah?female lagi,enginnering lagi?leng lui anot?khikhikhi

  • At Tue Mar 01, 10:16:00 PM 2005, Blogger Jinlan said…

    I'm loving it..
    i feel so much being involved by reading ur entries...hee..
    Cheers to fellow FOEsss...

    u don mind being u? :D

  • At Tue Mar 01, 11:52:00 PM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…

    Jason, JiNz: thanks for reading my blogs! I am sooo touched to receive such a nice feedback!!
    Oya..I feel honoured to be linked :D
    twinsmom: hehe..nope,my comment didn't hilang la..check the right link beside my comment box..hehe..

  • At Sun Mar 06, 11:09:00 PM 2005, Blogger 紫雨老师 said…


  • At Sun Mar 06, 11:30:00 PM 2005, Blogger mugmug said…

    哦,其实之前没有改良前的blogger comment是没那么漂亮的,所以我就选择haloscan的comment,可是后来才发现haloscan的comments只可以收四个月(因为我没有给钱的话),所以我就换回啦。。。
    结论:用回blogger's comment 最好!!


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