biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Yo!!Output come!!

I'm feeling headache now...I'm falling sick,so just now I went to buy myself a bottle of Vitamin C..haha..prevention is better than cure.I believe in this proverb, I can't afford to fall sick before I stop my training..

well, today my progress is slow. But I am soooo happy because Irene sent my production to print.And when she showed me,I was see a normal effort comes into reality...and it is so beautiful..I was nearly going to beg irene to give me one of it so that I can keep as a souvenir.haha..i am joking,the cost is expensive!

Today I read some blogs and found that I should make some changes to it such as to have links and visitor counters on it...afterall,it is too plain!!

ok..time to go home~~!


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