biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Monday, November 08, 2004

Good day or bad day?

I feel that these few days many things happen on my roof was blown during the raining season, boy's car was hitted, dad stranded at the airport (he only will reach penang at 12 midnight!!) and today...i guess it is the worst thing happened in the month (hehe..although it is only 8th of Nov)

Well,this morning when mum was driving me to Tanjung Tokong, we were stopped at the Bagan jermal roundabout. While we were waiting for the traffic, suddenly i heard a loud bang and before I realized what happened, I felt a strong force pushing from behind that made me and mum startled. We quickly went down and seriously I was really car was hitted by a Proton Iswara. The bumper was broken and there were glasses on the road. Mum was very angry and she scolded the driver. I think they should settle it instead of pointing fingers towards each other,so we shifted the cars to a better place. Again, I saw a bike came near us and showed us his name card. He claimed that he can settle everything,just give him our car. But we did not follow what he said, the driver asked us to go to the police station to make our report.

well,the whole process is so long, I am quite lazy to write out short, we lodged a report and went to EON centre. I managed to reach my working place before 12. Luckily boss not yet come..

Today was a busy day...I was so busy that I only had my LUNCH at 530pm. I planned not to eat,but since boss bought it, so I have to finish it..

I just back from the dinner with some friends. Today is also Kenn Yong's 22nd birthday. Sigh,we are getting old!!! A new year is coming, the candles will be more and more and more..

I am having serious gastric now..since this morning I felt very pain...til now I still can feel the pain..but I am going to fetch dad from the airport later at 12am. So I can't sleep yet....


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