biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Monday, November 22, 2004


Last weekend was quite a tiring but wonderful one.. in the morning we went to the botanical garden to jog. I met with YJ and her mum. She is going to sit for ACCA exam. Wish her all the best!

Then in the noon we went to watch a movie titled "The Machurian Candidate". It is really a nice movie. I like the way the director tells the story and of course the actors are awesome! So I recommend it to ling and sheng. They went to watch it in the night.

In the evening we went to kokhui's bbq at the beach.His colleagues were so friendly that almost all of them entertain us by giving foods and talking to us. First time bbq at the beach, it was a special feeling.The beach was dark but I felt nice.However, it started to rain after one hour i we moved to one colleague's house.

My handphone,yes,the new one dropped. My heart was broken during that time. I found the scratches on the back..really sad. I blamed myself for being so so so careless,but it can't return to the same anymore...

Yesterday night when I checked the Flickr, I am so surprised to see that my pro account has expired. All the photos I had uploaded had gone--- only left 100 of them..Arghh...another sad thing!I wish to continue it but the beta fees is so expensive! So I have to seek for other online album so that I can share my photos with my friends next time.

Today is the second last week I am doing my training. Got to rush, I scare I can't finish all the things in time...