biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Thursday, December 30, 2004

The Day After Tomorrow?

I guess now everybody's blog will be start with Tsunami or somesort of Tsunami Aftermath. Sigh, I don't know what to comment on this. Condolence to all the victims. These people are just too unlucky. Up til now Indonesia has recorded 36k death toll. Human seemed very fragile. What we can do is just treasure everyday,you won't know what will happen later,tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!!
At last I have done my resume writing. Thanks to aunt swee. She lent me a hand during my writing. I am now having much more confidence on my resume :)
Today is yk's birthday. 2 more days to year 2005. Initially we will go to count down at somewhere in KL. But now seemed all the big events have been cancelled due to the tragedy. Anyhow, I hope everyone will be ok..may be save the money to celebrate and donate to the victims :)


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