biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Week Summary

Guess I have stopped my blog since last weekend..the day before I went to I have to trace back and see what I should write down before I forget..

Well,last weekend was a wonderful one..There were 11 of us went to Ipoh 2 days one night trip. The first place we went to visit is the Gua Tempurung. We wanted to take the Grand Tour package but the people incharged did not allow us. The reason was there might be a posibility that the water level suddenly increase if there was a rain in the noon. However, the was a chinese tour guide offering to us. We were so happy and began our adventure. Sigh, a group of people joined us right after we started our journey. So the tourguide changed the plan and we were only managed to reach "Top Of The World". It was adventurous because we had climbed infinity staircase, slided down a dark slope and passed through many small "rivers" in the Gua. When all of us came out from the Gua, it was 2 hours and 15 minutes! All of my body was wet!

We then went to Bidor to take our lunch before we went to the Hot Spring in Songkai. The Hot Spring is really a special place. The pond is full of warm water. We enjoyed our night there by soaking ourself in the pool. Moreover, we went to Jaguzzi for one hour! Now my fingers are still not yet recovered!

Then after I back to Penang, I spent most of my time studing the CCNA test. Til now I have managed to finish 7 papers. 3 more to go! yeah! And tomorrow he is coming la =)

I have posted a love card for him. Luckily he likes it..heheh..=)

going to sleep..I am not feeling well today..have been diahrrea for twice for tonight :'(


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