biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Wonderful Friday and Saturday!!

Yesterday I was too tired to write my blog. Why was my friday so wonderful?this is because my honey gave me a treat to the Premier class at gurney plaza for the Alexander. I met yj and william at the counter.They seemed sooooo sweet..haha..sometimes I wonder if I become so coquettish my honey will beh tahan of me or not :P but I can see yj super blur lo..very cute la..

We reached home at around 1230am.The show to me is so so only.May be everyone has put a high estimation on this movie so many of them were so disappointed!haha..some even said it is indeed a gay show!!:P

This morning I woke up at 730am,and then made the egg sandwich.Nice morning with my dear cos we both made the sandwich together. Then we waited for william to come to fetch us.They were late and we only start our kerachut trip at around 10am.Well,it was a tiring trip...haha..but i feel happy and really enjoyed it...I think after graduate,not sure there is any chance to have such nice activities with the I really treasure the moment!!

At night,I followed ck to meet his colleagues.They were having farewell dinner.It was a thai cuisine restaurant named Cherry Blossom at sungai ara.Really far but it is really worth cos the food there is really nice!!There were 17 of us and the whole meal cost us RM270 so that's mean around RM16 per pax!! So I might visit to it in the future if there is any occasion!!!

tomorrow I am going to meet the now I am going to have a nice sleep~~!


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