biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Me in year 2003

Dear all my friends,
After I found Dr.Chooi for several times,at last he is so touched by my sincerity.The following are the tips that he gave to me,he ask me do not tell anyone but I really feel that I might be conscience-stricken if I do not share with u all!!

Format: Chapter one 1 question
Chapter two 2 question
chapter three 2 question
chapter four 1 question
chapter 1 pls focus on poisson function
chapter 2 pls focus on geodesic and bracistrochone
chapter 3 replacement of equipment and dual problem
chapter 4 Laurent series and residue theory

PLS DO NOT FORWARD TO ANYONE as i sure killed by dr chooi!!!Happy study ya!!!

hmm......actually all fake one la...APril FooL ~!!! =b
just wanna release ur tension...pls hard feeling ok????

all the best for your final!!!

best regards,
mug mug =)

Nah...not sure all of you understand the mail above means or not? This is me! Naughty me who wrote this letter 2 years ago while we were going to have an engineering maths test right after April Fool. I could not recall why i was so 无聊 to make up this fake story to fool all my friends. Surprisingly, my friends are soooo naive that almost 80% of them trust me!! OMG, check back the chapter 2 tips! The &*##@&$% topic is so hard that even the lecturer also won't want to take the trouble to come out the question to trick us..and they still believe me without any doubt...ok..they were just naive and think i am last i have to confess to every of them and apologize after I found that many of them get more tension and a bit chisin after read my mail...I just don't understand why people don't want to finish the mail before they jump to conclusion? ahha..then cham 报应..people very angry at me, those good temper one only pek chek..those hot temper one scold me kao kao... but seemed that I was the one who still deserve those one is enjoying...T_T

So, tomorrow is 1/4! I wonder who will be the naughty blogger and who will be the victims? Pls la..don't say quit blog to fool your supporters again liao ho..better choose a nice joke that won't hurt people one ok? and when you go to office,remember to check up and down, left and right to make sure there is not any plot hiding at the corner to fool advice to MMUian..since we are now having study week..people already ki siao liao...and those mummy, will your kids take up jokes? don't think so what to play le??hmmhmmm....

Anyway, happy april fool to everyone!~~ :D


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