biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Friday, February 18, 2005

huh?like this also can?

Common excuses given by cellphone offenders

  • "My boss called. I do not want to lose my job."
  • "I was telling the caller to call back."
  • "My family member is very sick."
  • "I forgot my hands-free kit."
  • "I was about to put on my hands-free kit."
  • "I was only holding the mobile phone."
  • "I was using my battery-operated shaver."
  • "I was digging my ear with the antenna."

Got this reasons from TheStar online. I feel so funny about the reasons the driven gave to the police when they were caught talking on the phone while driving. The last reason really make me stomache! You guys thought the police is lulu meh???!! So next time if the police caught you on the phone while driving,do not give excuses la..either pay the summon..or bribe...hmm i am not encouraging this, but most of the people do this to save money..Aih,bo huat, this is our culture..police cari makan and drivers also want to save win-win ending for them wo..I never met with a police because either I drive only around campus (wahahaha....) or I am a good driver (hehehe) so I guess if one day I really caught against the law, I would rather pay the summon than bribing the stupid police!


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