biG biG muG’s hiDDen eMotiOn

我相信每个人的一生 都是一首动人的歌 我和平凡人没有不同 只是用力唱出我的歌 让自己感动

Friday, July 22, 2005

What a week!

For those who follows my blog, you knew my little brother has been admitted into the hospital. On Monday, we were having small BBQ for my aunts from overseas. I had a serious gastric because I have to wait for the food. I did not know it would become so serious. SO after i drank a glass of milo, i decided to go to sleep.

In the middle of the night,
2.36am, diahrrea.
3.30am, vomit.
4.20am, diahrrea.
5.30,vomit.....morning reached. I decided not go to go work! -_-''' i am still under probation but I have already taken one day medical leave!

After I had visited the doctor, we dropped by grandma's house. When I continued my business in the toilet, suddenly i heard a loud scream! When I came out, grandma is on the floor. Grandma has diabetes and hypertension. She fall down because when she wanted to stand up from the chair, she suddenly felt very weak. We quickly sent her into the hospital.

After doctor had examined her, she was confirmed to admit into the ward. Her room was just beside my brother's. Yesterday, they transferred my brother into the same room with her la.

I thought this is the extreme. But, when I reached home today, mum told me that dad's car broke down at Tesco. Now the whole road is so congested!! But we still spent 45 minutes to reach his place. My another brother and I manage to drive the car to the nearest petrol station. That time, both of us prayed like hell because the car was soooo hot that you can see steam on my windscreen!!

After we reached the petrol station, we found out that the paip has broken. So we decided to park the car in the petrol station, then send a foreman tomorrow morning to repair it. Then a stranger approached us. He said he is a foreman on his way back home.He will see what he can help.

SO he spent around 30 minutes to troubleshoot..oh, the fan's motor is spoilt. Hence need to change one. The motor does not turn so it causes the car very hot, then the paip broken. So change paip. While he was working on that, brother and I began to debate on the price. I said at least RM100, brother said won't la.

After everything ready, mum asked about the price. The foreman (oldman) firstly went into his car, then said that it won't cost much. Then he began to calculate. walao, his maths DAMN cha. I "bio" 2 seconds already knew he has chopped us RM240.He spent around 2 minutes to do the simple addition mathematics. Our face has turned green because we didn't expect that the knife is so sharp. Not only our head is bleeding, our heart was torn into many many pieces! RM240 for 2 paip and 1 fan motor!!!

But what we can do!? So we pay the cash. Ah...Then in the journey back, we have to balance ourself. The first minute we are cursing the old man, the second minute we are thanking him because he helped us to repair the car. See, sometimes Ki Siao people must have gone through such incidents too much until their mental is distorted.

Bad news of the week: Little brother sick, me sick, grandma sick, car broke down.
Good news of the week: Little brothe dismissed from hospital today, I am recovered, car repaird.

Hope ah ma fast fast recover!


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